Top 10 Handy Hashtag Tools For Social Media Marketing

A hashtag is a word or an non-spaced phrase prefixed with the hash sign (“#”).The power of hastags cannot be underestimated as it’s one of the secret source that lead to the success of Twitter. Without further ado, here are the Top 10 Handy Hashtag Tools For Social Media Marketing.

1. HootSuite

Anyone can easily sign up for a free account at Hootsuite. This tool makes your life easier for managing multiple twitter accounts. For free account you are limited to add maximum of 5 accounts. You can also pre-scedule posts as well as track your hashtag activity. It makes me login hootsuite more often instead of twitter 😉


2. Hashtags.Org

Hashtags.Org gives you analytics of the most used hashtags that were tweeted every hour, within a 24-hour period. It would helps for determine the most popular tags at any given particular time, and the type of audience that uses them.


3. Hashtracking

Hashtracking is a powerful and handy tool that gives you real-time insights into hashtag analytics of the use of tweets, retweets. The impressive charts, graphics, reach, impression, contributor lists, and a free hashtag explorer tool would definitely help you locate hashtags easily.


4. Hashtagify.Me will show you all the relevant hashtags to a particular keyword. Not only does it identify the most popular tags, but also the top influencers in your market so you can easily reach out to them. When you hover over a related hashtag, you would be able to see how popular it is and how it relates to the main hashtag. 


5. Topsy

Topsy API knows when a hashtag was first used. and Twitter’s API wouldn’t know. All you need to do is tweak the search settings and Topsy will do the rest for you. Topsy also tells you who are the influencers of a particular hashtag.


6. TweetBinder

TweetBinder is another handy tool that lets you search for a certain tweet’s popularity with in-depth report of actual conversations, retweets, and associated images and links based on the tweet. This tool also allows you to organize your information into segments (binders), which can be used for future reference. You can even browse things by binders too.


7. TagBoard

Most of the hastag tools are mainly for Twitter but TagBoard lets you track hashtags from five social media platforms: Twitter, Facebook, Google+, Instagram and Vine. This tool come in handy for seeing how your hashtag is doing if you are marketing on various platforms.


8. TweetChat

When you want to engage with others directly, Twitter’s @mentions or reply button may be the first thing you’ll go to but things  get messy when having a discussion with more than one person. TweetChat allows you to use a particular hashtag to connect with other users who are talking about the same topic, giving you an  opportunity to build your audience for free.


9.  BundlePost

Beside being a handy content management system, BundlePost is also a great hashtag tool that let you generate, organize, schedule, and post content and hashtags for your online campaigns. It also helps you identify the most popular keywords and automatically generates hashtags that are related to your content.


10. SocialMention

SocialMention is a free tool that provides you with information regarding a hashtag’s strength, reach, and even user sentiments on that topic in any and all social networks. SocialMention also gives you data on top keywords, top users, and sources of a particular hashtag.


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