How To Block Someone On Gmail – Works On Desktop And Laptops

One of the most annoying things with getting mails is that we get a lot of spam emails from people or companies that we don’t even know.

Luckily, there are some things that you can do in order to get those types of emails away from our email account.

But what exactly can we do?

Below, we are going to list down some things that you can do in order to block the spam emails that you have been getting from an annoying user.

Steps You Need To Follow To Block Someone On Gmail – Works On Desktop And Laptops

First step:

The first thing that you would need to do is open your browser and login into your Google Mail or Gmail account.

Second step:

The second thing that you need to do is select the three dots that you can see on the menu icon that is in line with the name of the sender.

Third step:

The third thing that you need to do is select “Block + Name of Sender” once you click the three dot menu that is in line with the name of the sender.

Doing this will allow you to get closer to the entire process of getting away from that person forever.

Fourth step:

The last thing that you would have to do is confirm by selecting the “Block” botton on the next menu.

What if you change your mind?

Luckily, there are some things that you can do in order to unblock that user in case you change your mind in the future.

All you would have to do is find the email that person sent you and hit the “Unblock Sender” on the email.

Removing and adding someone back is right up to you and we hope you are happy with your decision.

Did we miss out anything in the steps list above? Let us know what we missed out by leaving a comment in the comments below.

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