8 Simple Things You Can Do To Make Your Phone Cold When It’s Too Hot – How To Cool Your Phone

Almost every single person in this world has a smartphone and almost every single one of us has faced a similar issue, a phone that’s too hot.

We know sometimes you get concerned about your phone, which gets too hot, but luckily, there are some things that you can do in order to make things easier for you and get lower temperatures.

Below, we are going to list down some things that you can do in order to make your phone cold when it gets really hot after heavy usage.

8 Simple Things You Can Do To Make Your Phone Cold When It’s Too Hot

1. Close all applications

One important thing that you need to do when your phone is really hot is make sure that you have shut down all apps that are running in the background. Doing this simple thing will help your processor and mother board to cool down and remove all the load that it has, hence, you will start to experience lower temperatures.  Also, after closing the applications, make sure that you are not using the phone. Let it rest for at least 10 to 30 minutes.

2. Stop using the phone

 Another thing that you need to do is make sure that you are not using the phone when it’s too hot.

Shut down all the applications that are running in the background or the one that you are using right now, after that, lock the phone and let it rest for 10 to 30 minutes. Doing this simple thing will help you get better temperatures when you are trying to cool it down.

3. Put it in front of a fan

If you are trying to speed up the process of cooling it down, you need to put your phone in front of a fan.

Yep, close all the apps, lock the phone, let it rest and make sure that you have placed it in front of a fan. This simple trick can help you cool down your phone when it’s too hot, which was caused by heavy usage.

4. Do not charge it

Some people face really high temperatures when they are using their phone as they are charging it, which is a really bad thing to do, considering that you are multiplying the heat that is being conducted by your device.

Not only that, but using your phone while charging it can damage the battery and the overall integrity of your phone, considering that temperatures are going to rise really high.

5. Turn it off

The fifth thing that you can do in order to cool it off is turn it off and let it rest for 10 to 30 minutes.

This one is the last resort, especially if you are getting really high temperatures. Make sure that you exit all applications that are running in the background and shut your phone in the right way. Avoid letting it die because you forgot to charge it, it’s not right.

6. Turn off Bluetooth and Mobile Data

Sometimes, your phone gets really high because you are using a lot of the functions that it has.

You have to remember that phones do not have fans, they are fanless, which means they are gonna get high with heavy usage. So in order to cool it down when it’s really hot, make sure that you have turned off the bluetooth and mobile data functions.

7. Turn off GPS

Another thing that you can do is turn off the GPS function of the device. This simple thing can do things for you and it can help you make your phone cool when it has become too hot.

Like what we mentioned above, your phone does not have a fan, so when it’s hot, you need to cool it down by simply turning off some of the key power hungry functions that it has.

8. Lower down the screen resolution and brightness

The last thing that we would list down is to lower down the screen resolution and the overall brightness of your screen.

When your screen is really bright and you are using it too much, you will automatically get higher temperatures. So instead of just letting your phone run at high temperatures, you need to let it cool down and lower down the screen resolution along with the brightness.

Did we miss out any tip in the list above? Let us know what we missed out by leaving a comment in the comments section below!

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