How To Book COVID-19 Vaccination Slot Through MyGov Corona Helpdesk On WhatsApp

Vaccination programs are happening all over the world with hopes of protecting each and every single person that is vulnerable to the disease, however, not everyone knows how to register for the free vaccine that is being offered by the government.

This is why we are going to help in doing our part in spreading awareness about the things that you can do to get your vaccine for free.

Below, we are going to list down some steps that you can do so you can book your COVID-19 Vaccination in your nearest hospital via WhatsApp.

Steps You Need To Do To Book COVID-19 Vaccination Slot Through MyGov Corona Helpdesk On WhatsApp

First step:

The first thing that you would have to do is save the number +91 9013151515 on your phone or you can simply click here.

This is the MyGov Corona Helpdesk bot.

Second step:

The second thing that you would have to do is open the chatbox on your WhatsApp.

Third step:

The third thing that you would have to do is type “Book Slot” and send it inside the chatbox.

Fourth step:

The fourth thing that you would have to do is wait for the OTP that was sent to your phone number.

Fifth step:

The fifth thing that you would have to do is enter the OTP in the chat, once it’s accepted, new set of options are going to appear.

Sixth step:

Once you enter the OTP, the bot will automatically show a list of people that are registered with the number. All you would have to do at this point is choose the person whose vaccination slot you want to book.

Seventh step:

After that, you will be presented with vaccination centers that are near the pincode that you have entered and the dates that you can get in order to get vaccinated.

After you choose it, all you would have to do is confirm and wait for the date to arrive!

Did we miss out anything in the list above? Let us know what we missed out by leaving a comment in the comments section below!

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