Geeky Duck

How To Connect to your AWS EC2 Instance using Windows or Mac

We have show you 9 easy steps to setup an AWS Ubuntu Instance in the previous post. Now we are going to connect to the instance using Windows or Mac.

Remember the key pair that your have downloaded in the previous tutorial as shared above? Now you need it to connect to your instance.

If you are using Mac, open the Terminal app. If you are on Windows, you need to download Putty.

For Windows:

For Mac:

It’s way easier to connect to your instance on Mac. Just launch the terminal app and key in the connection string.

You can find the connection string on the AWS Console:

Select your instance and click on the “Connect” button

Copy the connection string and paste it in the terminal app. Please make sure to CHMOD the .pem key pair file permission to 400, otherwise you will get a key permission error during connection.

Now you can connect to your AWS EC2 instance no matter you are using Windows or Mac.