How to Setup AWS Ubuntu Nginx Instance

How to Setup AWS Ubuntu Nginx Instance

Let’s make it short and sweet. In this tutorial we are going to setup AWS Ubuntu NGINX instance. You will be able to launch your first AWS Ubuntu Instance by following the instructions below. Step…

How to Install NGINX, PHP and MySQL to your AWS Ubuntu Instance

How to Install NGINX, PHP and MySQL to your AWS Ubuntu Instance

Previously we have touch about 9 easy steps to setup an AWS Ubuntu Instance. Now we are going to install the LEMP stack (NGINX, PHP and MySQL) to the instance. We will use the hostname:…

Guideline for choosing Amazon AWS, Microsoft Azure or Google Cloud Platform

Guideline for choosing Amazon AWS, Microsoft Azure or Google Cloud Platform

Since the Cloud Computing has become popular over time, I have received quite a lot of questions in my inbox regarding the guideline for choosing a cloud hosting/platform. I hope most of you will find your answers…
