Why Restarting Your Router Can Fix Many Problems And Why Is It Important To Wait For 10 Seconds

Why Restarting Your Router Can Fix Many Problems And Why Is It Important To Wait For 10 Seconds

When the internet goes down, do you know what to do? The best thing you can do is unplug your router and wait for 10 seconds and plug everything back in. That’s the best troubleshooting…

Computer Manufacturers Can Make Your Laptop Worse (And They’re Paid to Do It)

Computer Manufacturers Can Make Your Laptop Worse (And They’re Paid to Do It)

A computer is a wonder of engineering. So much work goes into outlining and assembling all the individual bits of hardware before consolidating them with software that is taking a very long time to build. Computer…

Guideline for choosing Amazon AWS, Microsoft Azure or Google Cloud Platform

Guideline for choosing Amazon AWS, Microsoft Azure or Google Cloud Platform

Since the Cloud Computing has become popular over time, I have received quite a lot of questions in my inbox regarding the guideline for choosing a cloud hosting/platform. I hope most of you will find your answers…

How to Setup a Simple Load Balancing using Round-Robin DNS

How to Setup a Simple Load Balancing using Round-Robin DNS

Round-Robin is an alternative method of load balancing, which does not require an expensive dedicated software or hardware node (load balancer).

It is very simple to setup by associate multiple IP addresses with a single domain name.
