Best Smartphones To Buy If You’re A College Student | Phones Worth $1000 With Video Review

Best Smartphones To Buy If You’re A College Student | Phones Worth $1000 With Video Review

College students need to have a reliable phone that they can use during classes, to contact people and surf the internet for research purposes. But the thing is, people do not know which one to…

Xiaomi is currently developing a tech that would allow you to charge your phone with sound

Xiaomi is currently developing a tech that would allow you to charge your phone with sound

Bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. That’s the sound it would probably make. Xiaomi is currently working on a new charging technology that would allow us to charge our phones without having to use a cord. Yes, you read that…

Here’s how to take a screenshot on an iPhone X and new iPhone Models

Here’s how to take a screenshot on an iPhone X and new iPhone Models

The quick answer is: Press the Lock and Volume Up button on your phone simultaneously to catch a screen capture. For more clarification on how to take a screen capture on an iPhone X and…

How to take a Screenshots on any Android Phone

How to take a Screenshots on any Android Phone

Each Android phone is unique, as is taking screengrabs with them. Despite the fact that Android 4 presented a simple option to screengrab with the convenient power and-volume-down-key combo, nailing it every time is a…

Smarthome Myths That Are Not True

Smarthome Myths That Are Not True

Smarthome Technology is something that not everyone wants because people think that it would cost them a lot of money to add it in their homes. Myth #1 Smarthomes Are Expensive Yes, this myth is…
