Smarthome Myths That Are Not True

Smarthome Technology is something that not everyone wants because people think that it would cost them a lot of money to add it in their homes.

Myth #1 Smarthomes Are Expensive

Yes, this myth is partially true but only if you are going to go for a custom smarthome that you will get customized for your home.

It is not necessary to buy or install everything at once, you can always try to implement things by categories. Like you can start out with smart bulbs and then add sensors to your house. If things go well and you start to like the technology, you can then add smart light switches that can help you control your smart bulbs.

One tip from us, try to see if there are deals going one. Google Home is usually on sale and is a very smart device that can be easily added in your house. You don’t really have to buy every smart gadget that is available, just buy those that you think you need.


Myth #2 Smarthomes Can Listen To You

The most common thing we hear when we become a smarthome owner is that the device can hear or record what you are saying. But actually, this is not true, voice assistants like Google Home and Alexa are only listening are waiting for their wake words like Alexa or Hey Google.

The smart devices are coded in a way that its wake word is locally processed, so nothing really gets sent to Google or Amazon. Right after the devices recognize its wake-up words they process it and answer to you. A simple way to remove your fear is by checking out your network usage, you can see that these devices do not really take up a lot of the connection, so basically, if they were sending your recordings to its cloud, it would have taken a lot of your internet connection.

An early model of the Google Home Mini was seen malfunctioning and was recording constantly, the tech reviewer realized this and complained about this to Google. The matter was unintentional and Google did a great thing and provided a remedy to the malfunction. Amazon’s Echo and The Google Home allows you to delete and view all your voice commands that you have given it.


Myth #3 Smarthomes Can Get Hacked

Everyone thinks that anything that is connected to the internet is a red dot on the map for the hackers. Well, the thing here is that the devices are actually very secure, the thing that you should see is that if your Wi-Fi router is secure and provides you with a secure connection. Usually, your Wi-Fi routers are the most vulnerable things that can allow hackers to get through anything.


Myth #4  Smarthomes Are Difficult to Install

Yes, this myth was once true, but now it’s not. Smarthomes have come a long way and are easier to implement or install in one’s house. The easiest things you can install in your home are smart light bulbs and a voice assistant like Alexa or Google. You can also add a smart thermostat if you want something more complex.

If you can add a thermostat in your house, then adding a smart switch will not be a problem. We know that not everyone is comfortable with wirings and playing with electricity, but installing a smart switch is really easy. All you have to do is to plug it in and plug a device into the smart outlet. This is a quick setup that you can do with its official app.

Voice Assistants are the easiest, all you need to do is plug it in one place where you want it to be placed inside your home and give commands to it. Another thing you can do is buy a voice assistant that has a display, like the Google Home Hub.

Keeping a smarthome simple is the key to make it a successful one. Yes, you do need to add more devices that can help you out and so that it would really stand as a smarthome, things will get complicated but once you will understand how everything works, it will be like a work in the park. Technology is constantly moving forward, so If you want to install something make sure you research about it, the last thing you would want to worry about is expanding it, this will not be a problem as technology nowadays allows everything to be compatible with the previous ones.




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