FaceTime bug on iPhone that allows individuals to listen to your private conversations

Any person can call you on FaceTime and see you or hear you before you even pick up the call. The problem is currently viral on almost every social media platform, the only solution to this is disabling the app itself.

The problem starts when you call someone, while the call is still on process, try swiping up and click “Add Person” and add your cellphone number. After doing this a group call in FaceTime will start even if the other person did not pick the call. It will sound like the person has answered the call, but in fact, the call is still not picked up by the person.

The only solution to prevent this is to disable FaceTime in your phone. As of now using FaceTime is not right, you may receive a request on your phone and that person could be listening to what you say or may even see you.

Apple said: “aware of this issue and we have identified a fix that will be released in a software update later this week.”

This bug is really insane, FaceTime users security is currently at stake and Apple has to do something about this really fast, even if they have to temporarily shut down FaceTime.

As of now, Apple has not yet released an update that would fix this bug, so Geeky Duck is recommending every iPhone user to disable FaceTime temporarily.

To disable Facetime on your iPad or iPhone, go to your Settings>FaceTime and switch FaceTime off. If you own both devices you have to do this on each one of them.

To disable Facetime on your Mac, go to your FaceTime app and click Facetime>Turn FaceTime Off. If you own more than one Mac’s, you will have to do the same thing on each one of them.

FaceTime settings on iPhone




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